Meet Whit and How It All Started...

Meet our owner and creator, Whitney, known by family and friends as Whit. She is a full time working mom with two amazing kids and a patient and supportive husband of 20 years. Her background and passions are in interior design, home decor, project management, sales, and human relations. She has spent the last three years as an Interior Designer/Decorator and has transformed many spaces, from commercial spaces to full residential remodels. She is a self proclaimed dreamer and the creation of WUGS, Weighted Rugs By Whit is a true testimony to that. 

Here's her WUGS story...

"Every time I would walk outside to the back patio or pool I would see my outdoor rugs curled up on each end or blown over by the wind, I was constantly trying to unroll the edges or stretch them back out smooth; I knew there had to be a solution to my problem! I tried many remedies, but no matter what I did the rugs would continue to roll up on the ends and not stay in place! It was very frustrating to me, especially being an Interior Designer and Home Decorator, I like the products I stage with to look clean and crisp in both client's homes as well as my own.

Sound familiar?

So.... I set out to find a solution to my problem! I wasn't looking to create a product, as I already had enough on my plate, but sometimes ideas fall into your lap and I knew I just had to share my solution. I created a patent pending weighted rug system that will keep your rug fibers stretched so they will not curl on the edges and keep them in place with minimal movement on the windy days! This weighted system is an absolute game changer when it comes to rugs both outdoors and indoors!"

Of course, I could not have accomplished the launch of WUGS without the support and encouragement from my family.

My husband, Darren, who has been my number one supporter and encourager. He is the head of Research and Development as well as my Quality Control Manager and this product launch would not have happened if it wasn't for him!

My son Luke, who actually came up with the name WUGS for our product name. Why WUGS you ask? You try saying weighted rugs 5 times fast! My Luke is one of the most creative people I know! He thinks outside the box and is a huge inspiration to me.

My baby girl Peyton, who definitely keeps me on my toes and inspires me to work hard every day, I hope that one day I inspire her to follow her dreams.

My parents James and Margaret, who continuously support and encourage me and listen to me even when I ramble on with off the wall ideas. I definitely inherited their creativity and work ethics!

My brother Jamon who supports me no matter what and is always there for me. His excitement when I tell him about products motivates me to make it happen! 

My Granny, who gets excited when I tell her my ideas and makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. My Grandaddy, who I wish was still here with us but I know that he is watching over me and telling me "you got this Tiger".

My friends who continue to support me and believe in me - they know who they are!

There have been many mentors in my career that have impacted my life and who I've learned so much from. I always compare myself to a sponge because I would absorb anything and everything I could from them. Their business skills, their negotiating skills, their compassion for their employees and their generosity. I truly believe that I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this product launch without these mentors advising me, teaching me, pushing me, and believing in me along the way.

Last but not least my WUGS team members who have helped me get this product launched! All the late nights- I can’t thank them enough!

I encourage everyone to follow their dreams, work hard, take chances, think outside the box and believe in themselves!

Thank you to everyone who has supported my family and our small business! 

I am not afraid of failure, but I am afraid of not trying."
